Adding art to your home is a great way to
freshen it up, but don't just buy something off the shelves of your local home
accessories store. Whether in reviews or
solicits or cover credits or even general comic discussion, artists view the
conversation to be about writers with artists being viewed more as just cogs in
the machine,” as one artist put it. In the minds of artists, most people don't
even understand what they do. Perhaps because of all of that, many respondents
don't believe they're appropriately compensated for what they do, which is
backed up in the data we've shared above.
When you think of a comic book convention
you will probably think of a sea of old comic books, toys, Star Wars stuff,
Star Trek stuff, action figures, Comic Artist
collectible card games and magazines for sale and you would be right, but
that is only a part and an increasingly small part of the experience.
One thing I wanted to note about this: as
you saw in the chart earlier, royalties are not something that are often
factored into artist incomes—only a little over a quarter of artists earn money
from them—yet relative to its place in the mix, royalties bring in about as
much as original art sales and covers for those who responded. For more
information, please visit our site
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